My desire is to be a source of authenticity. I created this page to spread joy and hope and create a community where one would feel accepted. Living life in the light is the best way to live.
Take some time to explore the blog, read something interesting, and feel free to reach out if you would like to collaborate on a project or have any questions/comments.

Something New Boutique
People deserve the joy of remarkable moments, and as a bridal stylist I get to create and be apart of some of life's most remarkable moments. This job gives me so much joy everyday. It's an honor to serve beautiful brides.

Jonathan Louis
I love my husband so deeply. He has seen the good, bad, and the ugly yet loves me and encourages me every second of every day. He is a leader and reminds me to trust in the Lord. He is my best friend and makes me laugh until I pee my pants. He is the best teammate I could ever ask for.

Colorado Springs
I grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I moved to Colorado after my husband and I got married. I love it here. There's a freshness in the air. When you breathe it in, and you're standing on top of a mountain, it whispers to you and reminds you that you can do anything you set your mind to.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."