This is a series on the fruits of the Spirit. It is referenced in the Bible in Ephesians 5:22-23.
While we will be leaning into these attributes that Christians are called to carry out in their lives, these are also things that make us "good human beings", from the non-christian perspective. Why not strive to reinforce healthy relational habits in your life?
So let’s talk about LOVE
Love is truly an overused word that has so many meanings, but it is such an important thing to work on. Let talk about the term in its most general state.
Do you love people?
Do you feel affection, sympathy, and tenderness towards the people around you?
Or do you carry a hostile spirit of tension and carelessness?
Wherever you are at, love is a valuable attribute to pursue in your life. If we make love a goal of our hearts we should not leave people feeling unheard, broken, under valued, or stupid. People, after interacting with us, should feel loved. When they step away and think about how the interaction made them feel it is important that they feltl loved.
After all isn't that what all of us desire? - love and support from our fellow humans.
While the ultimate source of Christian worldview love comes from God, we recognize the deep need for love we have as humans. A void that only Jesus can fill, and as we are loved by Him we can begin to understand what it looks like to love others well.
Whoever you are and whatever you believe..
Loving people well is so IMPORTANT
Here are some basic tips of how you can transform your habits into ones that exhibit love to the world around you:
Offer words of affirmation more often
Insist on helping others when you see them struggling
Listen well
Share in feelings and the emotions of others together
Believe in people
Be honest- even if the truth is hard
Keep an open mind, Be willing to compromise
Become aware of your actions
Have the ability and humility to apologize
Show grace, and forgiveness
Ask intentional questions
Celebrate big and small achievements with others
Assume people have the best intentions
When I read this list, people I know come to mind. People whom have loved me well.
Add to this list, and think about ways you can show more love to the people around you. Become the "someone" you needed when you were in a difficult time. Be the love that is so absent from the world around us today. Love God, Love others, and learn to Love the person that God created YOU to be. I am blessed to walk with you as we pursue Jesus together.
May your week be one that stretches and encourages you as you learn to love others with intentionality. -Sophia Marie