I think the beginning of a New Year is such a motivating time. You hear people making fun of resolutions and how they often don't stick around for too long. While that statement may be true to the majority of people, I am a firm believer that everyone has to start somewhere. Maybe this will be YOUR year to NOT give up!
I wanted to share some really healthy New Year resolutions with you that you may not have thought about! Improving yourself and areas of your life is ALWAYS a good thing. People always think about losing weight this time of year, or getting organized, or getting a promotion in the upcoming year. However, I wanted to give you some ideas of other ways to improve as we walk together in to new goals and challenges this year.
(If you tap on certain underlined things there are additional links for resources!)
Take a personality test. (i.e Enneagram, DISC, Myers–Briggs) . This is such a great way to get to know yourself better- strengths and weaknesses.
Do something everyday that inspires you. (i.e listen to a podcast, look at art, explore nature, write music or poetry)
Evaluate your relationships. Ask yourself what kind of friend, wife, employee, aunt you are, and look for ways you can love people around you more. Also ask yourself if you have any unhealthy relationships. This is not saying that if someone isn't helping you constantly you should drop them as a friend. I am saying, however, that sometimes we have people who speak lies about our life. These relationships can be very toxic, and you may need to take a step back from them this year.
Explore your talents. I believe God has given everyone gifts. (even if you think you are not talented at anything..) Try new things and work on your skills! Most treasures take time. How cool would it be to find a new hobby in 2021?
Save your money! Have goals to save "x" amount of money before the end of 2021. Do not limit yourself to big goals. You can buy a home young, invest in a reliable car, start a retirement fund. You just need to be disciplined.
Whatever goals you chase.. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. You can accomplish so much. You do not have to be apart of the statistic of people that quit their New Year resolutions after January!
Know that I am here rooting you on.
- Until next time, Sophia Marie