Helloooo, Happy Weekend! I hope you have been doing amazing.
Today's "Dare To" post is one that has perfect timing while we are in the midst of the holiday season. Today I dare you to be transparent. I found this definition for the word online and fell in love with it. Being transparent can be defined as intentionally baring your soul by sharing your true self with others. How can we grow in this area of life and push ourselves to become better at this?
How do YOU feel?
Do you ever feel like you're the only one who goes through things? Maybe you feel like your are the only person who struggles with losing weight, getting rest, saving money, getting promotions, or being kind. Well I can tell you.. You aren't the only one. However, our society has convinced us that we are alone in this. We are always putting our best foot forward and never letting people see the parts of us that ache or are actually kind of fake. If YOU feel like you are alone, imagine how your friends feel.
I encourage you this week to be transparent because people desperately need YOU to be. If that means you have to tell one of your friends about some bitterness you have held in your heart towards them, or if it means that you need to tell someone one of your biggest fears, I believe it will begin a ripple effect of influential vulnerability that can break down the walls of others. When sharing is done with care and sensitivity it traditionally leaves a positive impact. It begins to construct a safe community.
Challenge Yourself
Every week (for the most part) I am giving you one of these challenges. We are working on becoming better versions of ourselves together. We are pushing ourselves to grow.
What if this week you challenged yourself?
What if you promised yourself that by the end of the week you would share one personal thing with someone you normally wouldn't have?
After all it has to be challenging for you to be considered a challenge.
All I am trying to say is that you can really adopt this nature of life- being REAL with people. Yea. Maybe you'll get some interesting looks if you tell the truth when someone asks, "Why were you late?" and you respond, "If I didn't make my coffee today, I probably would've lost my mind." But Hey.. You've got to start somewhere!
Maybe your "somewhere" is in a private, intimate setting. That's good too! Whatever it is though, we all NEED to try to be more transparent. Especially with our close family and friends this holiday season. You do not have to be someone or something you are not.
You can be candidly yourself!
I know this isn't an easy task. I suck at it myself. I just know that if I don't try, I will always regret it. I believe in you friends. There are no judgements here! If you decide to take me up on my challenge LET ME KNOW! I am eager to hear your thoughts, plans, and experiences as we walk this week together! Thanks for reading.
-Sophia Marie