Hello we made it! Here we are, another week of our lives has passed. Today I'm excited go present to you this weeks "dare". I am excited to elaborate on this topic and grow in this area myself.
Today I dare you to Live On Purpose. It's rare for us to do things with intention. I think media has manipulated our thinking and can subconsciously persuade us into doing things out of habit instead of purpose. For example, we know we just need to have social media and post on it, but why? Is it because we want to share with family and friends, or gain a following? Or is it because we care too much about our self image? Whatever it is, it is good for us to know ourselves and our intentions, whether they be good or bad.
It's about being self aware.
Motivation is found when purpose is discovered.
I have heard this before in my life, and this statement could not be more true. Whenever we pinpoint what it is that drives what we do, we can begin to find motivation to pursue what we want. (Again this goes for good or bad.) Meaning, if we found out that we don't like the motivations we have behind our habits and decisions, then we are motivated to make change. On the opposite side of things, if we seek out our intentions, and realizes they are good goals and reasons, it may motivate us to pursue those things more fervently.
Living life with purpose give you motivation to achieve your goals. If you go through life mindlessly you will never grow.
Ask the Question
You have to ask yourself constantly what your purpose is. It can be hard to adopt this habit, but once it becomes a natural question to ask yourself it will be very freeing. When you understand your purpose and intention behind the things you do, you become empowered.
It empowers you to make decision more confidently. If you have already given thought to why you do what you do, it's easier to say yes or no to things... you already know what you want/need. Let me give you an example. Maybe you are at a job and you don't really know what you want to do with your life next, but you know you don't want to be with that company forever. If they asked you to promote, what would you say?
These are the sort of circumstance that force us to ask ourselves what our purpose is.
Are we at this job to work our way up?
Is the money worth the difficulty?
Will this help my future?
Do I even really want to do it?
Questions like these help us determine our answer to the question. If we ask ourselves these questions daily, we already know the answers we should give. Daily Inward reflection of our intentions will save us much wasted time of stressful indecisiveness.
Everyone has different purposes. I could give endless examples of things that are good to understand your purpose behind. Things like your career, what kind of person you will date/marry, how you treat people, and what you do for a hobby are all really good subjects to understand why you do what you do. It drives how you will do those things in the future. I know that learning this discipline of living your life on purpose will benefit you so much!
So this week I dare you to try to live out your intentions. Challenge yourself! And enjoy what you learn about yourself as you do so! Thanks for reading.
-Sophia Marie