Today I dare you to have grace.
Does anyone else ever feel like grace is the hardest thing to give on some days? Me too. We expect everyone else to have it all together, and if they don't, we don't even want to deal with them. There are times when someone makes the same mistake for the 5th time or when that one friend who always "loses track of time" ditches your plans, and the last thing you want to do is give grace. We tell ourselves, "You deserve more than this", "Why can't they just work as hard as me?"
Yet, somehow, we expect people to offer us endless grace in situations when we mess up and get frustrated if they don't. I believe this attitude is called entitlement.
And quite frankly... IT'S UGLY.
So what are we supposed to do about it? How are we supposed to change?
Let's start with small simple steps..
Change your thoughts: Whenever you are thinking rude, graceless thoughts about someone just tell yourself, "Hey, if I were in there shoes I would need grace. Be gracious"
Give others grace literately: Tell people. Let people know that whatever they did didn't upset you, that you get it, that it's okay, and wish them a good day.
Now this isn't to say we should let people walk on us and treat you however poorly. If they hurt your feelings, tell them. Just do it with grace.
One of the definitions I found for grace is "courteous goodwill". Let's strive for this.
So I dare you today to show grace, to yourself and to others.
