Now days we over complicate and overthink everything. We have to know all the answers, never be the last ones to know something, and can't make a decision without someone else's approval. Why? Why can't we live more simply than this? Why do we have to make everything more than what it actually is?
Today, this upcoming week, I dare you to live life a little bit more simply. Don't allow the opinions of others or social "standards" define how you live. Live and walk in light and be the example, be the difference, that people need to see. For me, this means not caring what people say about my way of life. I won't change myself no matter how many comments people make about me. While this is a challenge for me, it is something I am striving towards.

I want to change my decision making process. I desire to let truth be truth, and not let my choices be swayed by what other people think. It can be hard, now days, to see things as they truly are. When we are making decisions we are coaxed by media and stunted by society. Most of the times the last voice we listen to is our own. How do we feel about the choice we are making? Does it make logical sense? Is it something that we truly want? What does God say about this? These are the questions we should be asking ourselves. Being more simplified in how we think and beginning to think more about the important things will help us slow down the voices all around us.
It is crucial that we do not give things our attention that don't deserve it. When we care to much about other's lives, or newest stuff, or things that have hurt us, we take away the opportunity to invest into more important things. Because we get so wrapped up in this, we lose time and motivation to stay fixated on things that will help us grow and bring us healing. We've got to first give our attention to things that MATTER.
There is simplicity in Jesus. He calls us to be still, believe, and have faith. Instead of over complicating this and the things you're going through today, just let it be.. allow Jesus' words just be truth over you today. Allow Him to do the work. You can have faith. You can just be His child. You can work hard. You can make the right decision. You can walk in His righteousness. Because HE is good. Just soak that in tonight and this week.
Dare yourself to live more simply.