Today I dare you to reach out to the people around you. I think we can all be okay at saying, "Hello" and "How are you doing?", but when do we actually reach out into peoples lives and dwell with them?

A lot of times we are just to busy in our own comfort that we put on blinders to the people around us.
When I moved to Colorado I learned this lesson in an entirely new way. All my life I had a people around me and I never had to try hard to have a community. When I moved I had none of "my own people". I needed to make friends.
This is still something I struggle with, however I think God has been really challenging me in new ways. We have to be the change we want to see around us.
We have to make time to get to know people.
We have to be aware of the peoples needs around us and seeing how we can help them.
We have to listen and care about people.
Everyone craves for someone to get to know them. When people reach into our lives and truly show interest it means a lot to us! So why can't we try to do the same.

Dare to reach out to someone today- a neighbor, a coworker, or someone at the grocery store. Spread love by showing interest. Stop hiding behind screens and get real with the people around you. No matter what you do or how you do it- just reach out today!
