It's Tuesday. Today's tip is going to be able about the power of organization. I found a great quote this week while I was browsing Pinterest. It's by Christina Scalise and it states, "Organization isn't about perfection. It's about efficiency and reducing stress and clutter, saving time and money, and improving your overall quality of life."
Today I'm going to share some simple changes, that have helped me, that will make the difference in your day to day cleanliness and organization.
- "Make Your Bed": There is something about this that checks off a tiny mental "accomplishment box" in my head. It's so exciting to know that you don't have to fix all the blankets before you go to bed. This idea doesn't just have to be your bed. It can be doing the dishes before you leave or wiping down the bathroom sink. It is any simple task to accomplish in the morning that will help you out later that day.
- Throw Stuff Away: This can be crazy hard for a lot of people. I was for me too! Interestingly enough though, once I got into this habit, I couldn't stop. Throw away coupons you won't actually use, old mail and pens, almost empty bottles, clean out the daunting "junk drawer", and anything else that clutters your space you really don't even use!
Trust me I hate being wasteful. So don't be wasteful, just be more mindful of the things you purchase and if you really need them. You can always donate as well, if there are items that are still in good condition.
PT 2: Go through your closet every month and reevaluate if you "need" all of the clutter. You can sell clothes so quickly these days! Stores like Plato's Closet and Facebook Market Place are your best friend when it comes to organizing your closet. Not only will you be organizing, but you will also be earning some extra cash!
- Make Space More Functional: Let's be honest. We hate being in those cluttered spaces in our house. We even tend to avoid them because they aren't even functional. Whether it's the "just throw it in there room", your bathroom cupboards, kitchen pantry, bedroom, or living space you need to begin to come up with a plan to make it a functional and livable space. Buy more shelving or stylish hidden storage. (Ottomans and cube storage bins are PERFECT) Investing in pretty storage is always useful. It will help you enjoy each space of your house.
-Organize Your Schedule: I know this point is a little unrelated to physical organization; however, there is power in this. If you can "clean up" your schedule, you will quickly realize how much more time you have in a day. Step #1: Write down what a normal day looks like for you down to the 30 minute detail. Step #2: Eliminate and slim down the "times" for less important things- for example, phone/tv time, taking to long to decide time, and getting ready time. These things aren't bad, but they can be done in smaller amounts of allotted time. Step #3: Fill that time with things you want to work towards. Whether that be organization, or studying something new, or trying more recipes, It will help you feel more accomplished and excited about how you spend your time.
- Invest Time: These habits really don't even have to take too much of your time. If you set 20 minutes aside each day or 3 hours once a week, your spaces will feel bigger and cleaner before you know it. Just as long as you're scheduling time each week at some point to work on de-cluttering little sections of your messy life. :)
Ultimately you will feel more productive and positive. It will really help empower you to get going. I believe in you! I know that you can really jump into an organized life! Just be gracious with yourself and have a wonderful week!
Thanks for reading this week's "Tuesday's Tip".